Give the economic importance of lichens .

Dear Student,

The economic importance of lichens includes:
  1. They are widely used as an important food in Northern Europe ( Iceland moss (Cetraria islandica) and in Highlands of North Africa (Lecanora esculenta) and in India Peltigera canina (Dog lichen) .
  2. They also help in biodegradation by accumulating several pollutants – Pb and Cu.
  3. Lichens produce various secondary compounds like pigments etc and which can be used as dyes – Orchil (purple colour obtained from Roccell) and Cudbear (red colour obtained from Ochrolechia).
  4. Can be used for medication purposes -Peltigera leucophlebia used to treat Candidiasis
  5. They are used for aesthetic value because of their shapes, color and sizes – Fruticose lichen.
  6. They can also work as flavoring agents where species like Parmelia, Heterodermia, Pyxine and Physcia are extensively used to increase the flavor of the Indian spicy dish 'Briyani’.
  7. Lichens are being used as Fodder - Cladonia sp.
  8. As Litmus indicator - Rhizocarpon geographicum.
  9. Evernia prunastri (Oakmoss lichen), it is used in making perfumes.
Hope this information will clear your doubts about topic.

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