Given here is a list of qualities, which are felt to be necesarry for a judge. Why do you think they are necesarry? Which of these, according to you, is the most important quality for a judge? Arrange them in order of importance (as you see it).
Justify your choice.
Honesty, impartiality, intelligence, effective communication, practicality, courage, knowledge, wisdom.

Dear Student,

The following points may help you:

a. The judge is regarded as umpire who  ensures that the  trial is conducted  impartially .
b. He has to ensure it is conducted in a fair, open manner  with equal chance given to the person accused.
c. The judge hears all the witnesses and any other evidence presented by the prosecution and the 
 d. The judge decides whether the accused person is guilty or innocent on the basis of the evidence presented and in accordance with the law.
e. As per the qualities mentioned, it is important to know that all  these qualities are important to become a judge .
f. They are important to ensure that Judge stands neutral in his approach and is not swayed by any of the parties.
g. Also to ensure that Judge decides the case as per the rule of law and give fair chance to both the parties.
h. He represents the seat of wisdom and knowledge who uses his past experiences to decide on a particular case.
i. He has to act in a fair, open and impartial manner and must not reflect any biasness.
j. I would rather, give importance to all values  but regard impartiality , honesty as utmost virtues .
k. Further, it is equally important to be practical, intelligent, possess knowledge , be wise and have effective communication skills


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