Good evening guys!!!
Please answer 2 and one
*No irrelevant answers pls*

Dear Student!

The reasons could be :

1) Gametes for sexual reproduction shall be formed after meiosis because during meiosis the genetic material undergoes recombination and variations are produced which are very essential for evolution and increases the chances of survival. Mitosis does not generate variations and hence is not favoured for production of gametes. 

2) First meiotic division is reduction division means the number of chromosomes reduce to half. For example if a cell has '2n' number of chromosome then after first meiotic division this number would be 'n'.

Gametes should be produced by meiosis because in sexual reproduction fusion of gametes takes place in order to retain the actual number of chromosomes.


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Because in fertilisation need both male and female gamet & meiosis is not a equational division
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Dear friend
Reduction means the number of sex chromosomes is halved .
Gametes are required since they fuse to form zygote
Mitosis is called equational division since number of daughter chromosomes remains same hope this helps
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