Good evening sir/ma'am.
For finding HCF by Euclid algorithm, is it necessary to do division for finding quotient and remainder?

Dear Student,

Yes, for finding HCF by Euclid algorithm, is it necessary to do division for finding quotient and remainder.
Example: HCF of 135 and 225

Here, 225 > 135 we always divide greater number with smaller one. Divide 225 by 135, we get 1 quotient and 90 as remainder.

225 = 1x135 + 90.

Divide 90 by 45 we get 2 quotient and no remainder so we can write it as
90 = 2x45 + 0

As there are no remainder so deviser 45 is HCF.



  • 1
Euclid's Division Algorithm (Lemma)
We know that how to divide a positive integer 'a' by another positive integer 'b' by long division method.

Let us consider a = 217 , b = 5 and make the division of 217 by 5 as under :



Divisor ? 5)217(43 ? Quotient






2 ?Remainder

Clearly, 217 = 5 x 43 + 2

i, e.,

Dividend = Divisor ? Quotient + Remainder
Let us consider some more pairs of integers as given below :

(i). a = 191; b = 2; 191 = 2 x 95 + 1

(ii).a = 321; b = 3; 321 = 3 x 107+0

(iii).a = 205; b = 7; 205 = 7 x 29 + 2

(iv). a = 1047; b = 11; 1047=11 x 95+ 2

From the above, we conclude that for each pair of positive integers, a and b, there exists a pair of whole numbers q and r such that a = b ? q + r, 0 ? r
Formal statement of Euclid's Division Lemma
For any two given positive integers a and b, there exist unique integers q and r such that a = bq + r, 0 ? r
  • 3
yes dhairya it is important to do division for finding quotient and remainder...
the above answer with example is absolutely correct...
  • 2
Yes it is necessary
  • 1
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