Has the poem 'Mirror' been excluded from class 10 'English Communicative' paper?

Dear Student,

Assumption: As per my knowledge poem 'mirror' has not been excluded yet .

If in case it is excluded so you please re-check your syllabus from your concerned school.


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No it’s still coming in the board exams that was just a false rumour ! Good luck !
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no . it is there in many sample papers
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#Nirvair Atwal Are You sure? Is it coming.
Because I am confused, and I hadn't prepared that chpter.
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It is there.
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No it is't
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Its best u study it.
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Atually it is excluded from our sllybus.
It is't coming in the exams
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Please expert answer this query. If it would be coming, I had to prepare it
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It has got excluded
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U prepare it just in case it comes precaution
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Im not sure but better studying it
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Yes it is coming...
  • -6
better learn it. anyways u have 4 days gap
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Yaa, the poem has been excluded from syallbus.
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It will not come
  • -7
It is not coming....
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Where is it officially mentioned that it's not coming ? Ofcourse it is a part of the syllabus!
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Yes excluded for some schools
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  • -3
No...it is not excluded...
  • -2
What are you looking for?