Health for a long time was considered as a state of body and mind where there was a balance of certain humours that is what early Greeks like hypocrites as well as Indian Ayurveda system of medicine asserted. it was thought that persons with blackbile belong to a hot personality and would have fevers this idea was arrived at by pure reflective thought explain these lines page 145 NCERT human health and disease

Dear student,
According to Greeks like Hypocrites as well as Indian Ayurveda, the human body contains four humors, the blood, phlegm, yellow bile and black bile. This is visible with erythrocyte sedimentation rate ( Robin Fåhræus (1921). When blood is left undisturbed for about an hour, four different layers can be seen.

A dark clot at the bottom is known as dark bile.
A layer of blood cells above the clot is known as blood.
A whitish layer of white blood cells is known as phlegm.
The top layer of clear yellow serum is known as yellow bile.
A person can be considered as healthy, when all these four  constituent substances are in the correct proportion to each other, both in strength and quantity, and are well mixed.



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