Hey guys this is gap filling exercises please please give me answer of this it is very important for me!!!

Hey guys this is gap filling exercises please please give me answer of this it is very important for me!!! witlk»ut a shark A crew of divers and tx:.aters (0 — (belp) out by away Was fifth attempt to Cuba to The Y ' (d) (prove) that it' too late to dreams. 1962 when Or. Radhakrishnan the president (b) that his birthday in Septerntrr (C) obsewed as •Teachers' DaV tt Dr dose association (d) _ held whether (e) President or Vicew;esident or even as Ambassado' ' essentialb' remained a his life. Teaching was his first love those (f) him still remember with gratitude his great as a teacher Complete the passage by filling the blanks with suitable adverbs or adjectives. — days, holidays used to ring bells of fun and joy for the (b) in the burdens time with their loved ones. These (O — times are lost (d) . to ensure happirw:ss Of blooming kids. 8. Complete the given passage by filling a suitable joining word. has been affectionately called tiada• by all the neighbours. is the iolGest Mr. Roy (a) are often hidden behind his thick glasses reflect the man know. His loving eyes (b) delightful character within. His middle finger has a diamond-studded g014 ring (c) _ a.•e visible beneath brilliantly matching the brilliance of Mr Roy's eyes. Roy's s:.oes (d) his Vousers, always shine brightly 9. Here is a description Of Reena's kitchen with to different things kept there. Some words are missing. Fill in the blanks with reading the passage carefully. the table hung a long mirror that As you enter the kitchen. on the side wall just (a) -„QJxa_v.t...,., the centre Of the kitchen at the end 01 in teak wood. A large chandelier hung (b) _ to the cupboard was the a chain that had been hooked into the ceiling. In the corner (c) the Shett sink at which we wash utensils. Sugar and spice jars were neatly arranged (d) the refrigerator 10. In the given passages. fill in the blanks with a Suitable verb form. (0 3. (b) (i) The computers in the office (a) success with them except me. I (c) . them who is the boss. me heartburn. Everybody, it seems, (b) to take a computer course so I can (ii) Yesterday, I (a) (b) my two friends to my birthday party. but neither of them coming. Each one is busy one with a work at home and the Othel with a family function, •Why (c) same time?" I (d) EDITING The given passages correction against the 1. (a) Over four thousand year ago. these things. with both of them. have to happen at the Correct 26 (b) honey was used for a traditional ayurvedic medicine. (c) where it was thought of be effectwe at treating (d) material imbalances of the body In preAncient Egyptian t•mes. (e) honey was used topically In treat wounds English Communicative Pull-out Worksheets

Incorrect. Correct a) year. Years b) for. As c) of , where to , were d) of in e) treat. Treating I Hope this helps you I think the answer is correct I have tried my best to give the answers I hope it is not wrong.....
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