Hi expertsyou are requested to please explain these three highlighted lines and you are requested to please answer all this in this single thread only as all of this is interconnected. :- please tell "WHY" a tiny which crept into her head and grew their? explain "WHY" their faces would kindle in her longing and explain "WHAT" is meant by expression of disapproval why she used the word disapproval (please answer all of this in THIS single thread only as all of this is INTERCONNECTED) ( from class 10th chapter madam rides the bus of First Flight)

Dear Student,

Line1 - tiny wish crept into her head- It means an idea grew into her mind. So, she became more determined to fulfill the wish to ride her bus.
Line2- Their faces would kindle in her longings - It means that seeing the passengers of the bus her desire and interest to ride the bus grew.
Line 3- When a friend of Valli rode the bus, she became very jealous. So, despite saying that she was proud of her, she did not mean it. She was actually jealous of her. Valli and her friends had tendency of using the word sarcastically. 


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