Homology is for accounted by branching descent. Explain the line of ncert

Dear Student 

Branching descent here means the evolutionary emergence of new species from a common ancestor due to environmental adaptations, geographical isolation leading to speciation. Basically, new species emerging from a common ancestor is called branching descent, a term given by Chares Darwin. 

Homology refers to the similar body structures and features that indicate a common ancestry and divergence. Homology basically is the way to identify features that have similar anatomy among species even though their functions might be different.
Now the statement here in the NCERT says that homology is for accounted by branching descent, which simply means that if we need to justify and explain Homology and why do homologous organs exist and why is Homology seen, it can be explained by the concept of Branching Descent. 
Homology exists because of Branching Descent, due to the formation of new species from a common ancestor, the new species have the same or similar features when compared to one another or the ancestor. 


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