How are cactus adopted to survive in desets?

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Please find below the solution to the asked query
Desert areas are very hot and receive very little rainfall in a year. These conditions make deserts very harsh for the survival of living beings. Therefore, Cactus plant found in deserts have some special features.
  • Cactus have leaves in the form of spines. This adaptation helps them in reducing the loss of water by transpiration. In these plants, stems perform the function of photosynthesis. Stems are covered with a waxy layer, which reduces the loss of water.

Hope this information will clear your doubts about the topic.

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Cacti make use of many structural adaptations, such as shallow roots, fixed spines and thick stems, to survive in the desert where there is minimal rainfall. Each of these adaptations allow the plant to collect and store water more efficiently in an environment where water is scarce.
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In times of drought the body sinks in, or contracts. The most distinct part of a cactus is its spines. Because regular leaves don't conserve water well, the cactus developed these modified leaves to adapt to its extremely dry environment. The spines are better at conserving water and surviving in hot temperatures.
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