How are variations important.explain (tell me the proper form to write it in boards)

Dear student,

Variation: Variation can be defined as slight changes in the arrangement of the sequences of the DNA base pairs. Variation during reproduction makes available new characters in the offspring that are absent from the parents. 
Variation is essential because:
1. Variation during reproduction makes available new characters in the offspring that are absent from the parents. If there is a drastic change in environment or appearance of dreaded different variations in a species would not make the wiping out of entire species.
2. Variations lead to speciation. Accumulation of variations over long periods of time leads to speciation which results in more diversity.
3. Variation helps in natural selection and evolution.
4. Variation helps in the conservation of the species.
5. Variation maintain diversity among species


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Variations in species help them to adapt themselves to that particular environment and give them a chance of survival. For example, thermophilic bacteria are variants that are resistant to extreme temperature. They have a chance of survival in high temperate zones while others die . 
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