how can "as" be a conjunction!?!?

ASubordinating Conjunction(sometimes called a dependent word or subordinator) comes at the beginning of aSubordinate (or Dependent) Clauseand establishes the relationship between the dependent clause and the rest of the sentence. It also turns the clause into something that depends on the rest of the sentence for its meaning.

Strictly speaking, the wordlikeis a preposition, not a conjunction. It can, therefore, be used to introduce a prepositional phrase ("My brother is talllike my father"), but it should not be used to introduce a clause ("My brother can't play the pianolikeas he did before the accident" or "It lookslikeas if basketball is quickly overtaking baseball as America's national sport."). To introduce a clause, it's a good idea to useas,as though, oras if, instead.

  • LikeAs I told you earlier, the lecture has been postponed.
  • It looks likeas if it's going to snow this afternoon.
  • Johnson kept looking out the windowlikeas though he had someone waiting for him.

thx and thumbs plz

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