how can we conserve forests

Please refer to answers provided by your friends.
@ all good effort..

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1) Indiscriminate deforestation should be prohibited.2) Wastage of timber and fuel wood to be avoided.3) Alternative sources of energy, such as biogas should be used to supplement fuel wood.4) Forest fires should be prevented.5) Pests and diseases of the forest trees should be controlled chemically and biologically.6) Grazing of cattle in forests should be discouraged.7) In discriminate cutting of trees should be prohibited.8) Reforestation of the deforested areas should be undertaken.9) Large afforestation should be done in areas unfit for agriculture.10) Operations called improved cutting and selective cutting should be adopted in forest management

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1) Indiscriminate deforestation should be prohibited.2) Wastage of timber and fuel wood to be avoided.3) Alternative sources of energy, such as biogas should be used to supplement fuel wood.4) Forest fires should be prevented.5) Pests and diseases of the forest trees should be controlled chemically and biologically.6) Grazing of cattle in forests should be discouraged.7) In discriminate cutting of trees should be prohibited.8) Reforestation of the deforested areas should be undertaken.9) Large afforestation should be done in areas unfit for agriculture.10) Operations called improved cutting and selective cutting should be adopted in forest management

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Make a conscious effort to share information with others (friends at school and family members) on deforestation and its' effects. Some of your friends may laugh at you and say it is silly to think that you can solve problems like this. But that is OK, things work better when responsible people dont give up. Stand up for what you believe in.forest pointJoin organizations, forest-preservation societies and pressure groups that aim to help preserve the rest of our natural resources. When more people work together, the impact is greater.forest pointReduce the use of artificial items, recycle more and re-use items. Wood, paper, plastics and many other things we use everyday at home can be linked to natural resources being destroyed. This means that if we all recycle more, there will be less dependence on the environment (and trees). It also means that companies and governments will import less raw-materials from the forest regions of the world.There is a fun way to remember the most important points in forest preservation called TREES which means...Teach others about the importance of the environment and how they can help save rainforests.Restore damaged ecosystems by planting trees on land where forests have been cut down.Encourage people to live in a way that doesn't hurt the environment.Establish parks to protect rainforests and wildlife.

Support companies that operate in ways that minimize damage to the environment.

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