how clouds are formed?

Dear Student,

In simple words, this is how a cloud is formed:-

We know air contains water vapor. When warm water rises in the atmosphere it expands and cools. As the air containing water vapor cools, some of the vapor condenses and sticks to tiny dust particles that are floating in air. So what we have now is tiny droplets of water around each dust partcle in the cool air. When many such droplets come together they become a white visible cloud.

@Bijrotiya, good to see that you have answered it with diagrams.

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This cloud consisted of dust and diffused gas from which one portion condensed to form the Sun and the others rotating round the Sun eventually formed the planets etc.

The original cloud of dust formed an intricate pattern of turbulent motion. The whole thing was like a spiral nebula which was nothing but a rotating disc of cloudy matter. The nucleus of this disc formed the sun around which there existed a gas-dust envelope. As this envelope revolved around the nucleus (the sun) concentric cells / whirls were formed. In these cells, there were eddies consisting of gas and dust. In course of time, the dusts of each eddy coagulated to form bigger particles and formed what are known as proto-planets.

The gases present in proto-planets were driven away by the pressure of sun's light. After the complete removal of the gases, the proto-planets gave rise to planets and satellites through contraction of dusts. The bigger concentrations gave birth to the planets and the smaller ones to the satellites.

This group of hypotheses had acceptance and rejection in close succession.


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CloudMany of them are beautiful. Several can be breath-taking at sunset or sunrise. Their colors can range from a fluffy white to gray to a brilliant ruddy red. No matter what their appearance, cloud formations have fascinated all of us at one time or another. They were the stuff of childhood dreams. We all wondered what it would be like to soar above those cloud formations and see the Earth from the heavens. Even as adults we often wonder about them. Now, though, we wonder what they are called and what they are made of. There are many types of cloud formations. I am going to describe quite a few of them in this article and try to give you some information about each.


Cloud formations are grouped into four families: high, middle, low, and vertical. Beyond these there are other cloud formations that I will cover. Below I will break each family into its individual members and go from there.

High cloud formations develop between 3,000 and 8,000 m in the polar regions, 5,000 and 12,000 m in temperate areas, and 6,000 and 18,000 m above the tropics. There are three members of the high cloud family: Cirrocumulus, Cirrus, and Cirrostratus.

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  We know air contains water vapor. When warm water rises in the atmosphere it expands and cools. As the air containing water vapor cools, some of the vapor condenses and sticks to tiny dust particles that are floating in air. So what we have now is tiny droplets of water around each dust partcle in the cool air. When many such droplets come together they become a white visible cloud.

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