how did humans become food gatheres and food producers from hunter gatherers

Early humans became food producers in the neolithic age.

a. Neolithic period was characterised by using sharp edged polished tools like axe heads, adz heads, chisels, and gouge.
Mortars and pestles were used for grinding. All of the tools were made of stone.
c. The main type of stone used was flint which is a hard stone found in limestone and chalk.
d. This period also witnessed permanent settlement by human beings in villages, a beginning of a more settled life.
e. People learned to domesticate animals, started engaging in farming, began to raise crops.

Early human settlement were mostly built near river valleys as the land was fertile and suitable for agriculture.
.Small settlement formed by early human as now :-
  • They found permanent communities in fertile river plain.
  • They learnt to irrigate the land .
  • They started domesticating animals for their food and other basic needs.

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