how did the european settlers change the social division of maasai.

Dear Student,

a. ​The Maasai society was divided into two social categories – elders and warriors. The elders formed the ruling group and the warriors were responsible for the protection of the tribe.

b. Colonial policies brought about changes in the social conditions and reshaped the relationships among the massai community members.

c. ​ The British appointed chiefs among the Massai's to administer their affairs who accumulated wealth. Many of them also became traders. 

d. These chiefs managed to survive the devastation of war and drought. They had both pastoral and non-pastoral income​.

e. The poor pastoralists who depended only on their livestock did not have resources to tide over bad times. In times of war and famines, they lost nearly everything and had to look for work in towns.​

f. Thus, social condition and changes took place in the massai community with the new distinction between wealthy and poor pastoralists.


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