How did the industrial revel outworn mark a radical change from the previous system ??

1) Industrial revolution marked the biggest change in cotton. While previously cloth production was covered over a large number of households, the cotton mill concentrated all these processes of carding, twisting and spinning, and rolling in one place.
2) The second biggest change due to industrial revolution was in the field of metals and Britain’s export of iron ore exceeded that of cotton by 1873.
3) With the increase of railways in all colonies, the entire empire became connected.
4) Social problems such as slums, employment of children as beggars increased during this period.
5) There was increase in both water and air pollution during this phase of industrialisation.
6) Previously manufacturing was for local consumption, now it was for international consumption.
7) In colonies like India, industrial revolution destroyed textile industry due to cheap imports of machine made clothes.

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