how did the storming of Bastille became the main cause of French Revolution

The Storming of the prison of Bastille occurred during the reign of King Louis XVI in Paris and France on the 14th of July 1789. 

It was rumoured that Bastille was full of prisoners with political background and the ‘prisoners’ were tortured a lot. King Louis XVI was a very cruel king who oppressed his subjects and the prison of Bastille was a symbol of the king’s oppression. 

On the morning of 14th July, the common mass of the city approached the Bastille prison and stormed the prison. This triggered a series of reaction that led to overthrowing and beheading King Louis XVI and his queen, finally leading to French Revolution.


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Bastille was a most popular place and even it had a big prison. They broke the prison and got all the weapons and gadgets to fight against. The people of France started demolishing the prison and sold the stones of them in order to make the people of Frace believe that they have got independence from the monarchial rule. That is why Bastille was the main cause of french revolution.

Anyways check my answer with the google.[Not completely sure]
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