how do we find out whether a number like 78363462 is a prime number or a composite number?

please answer my question .........................

its actually required for students  =)

Bi Medha!
To check whether a bigger number 78363462 is a prime number or a composite number find the natural number why is just less than square root of 78363462.
Now, Square root of 78363462 = 8852.31 = 8852 (approx)
Now, list the prime numbers less than or equal to 8832 and check at least one of them is a factor of 78363462 or not. If at least one of them is a factor 78363462, then the 78363462 will be a composite number otherwise it will be a prime number.
Such tests are done to check to whether bigger number is prime or composite. It cannot be done manually. To perform it a computer program (in C, C++ or Java etc) are needed.
In fact 78363462 is multiple of 2, it is a composite number.
Hope! This will help you.

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