how does a thunderstorm occur?

 Thunderstorms occur when large air masses rise quickly into the atmosphere, forming huge cumulonimbus clouds.  Severe air currents inside the clouds cause water droplets and ice crystals to crash into one another continually, and the friction between these particles creates static electricity in the cloud.  Over time, opposite charges build between the top and bottom of the cloud, and the bottom of the cloud and the earth.  When these opposing charges become intense, a gigantic spark occurs (lightning) which jumps the gap between the cloud and the earth.  The thunder accompanying lightning is the noise produced by the discharge.

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Thunderstorms occur when large air masses rise quickly into the atmosphere, forming huge cumulonimbus clouds.  Severe air currents inside the clouds cause water droplets and ice crystals to crash into one another continually, and the friction between these particles creates static electricity in the cloud.  Over time, opposite charges build between the top and bottom of the cloud, and the bottom of the cloud and the earth.  When these opposing charges become intense, a gigantic spark occurs (lightning) which jumps the gap between the cloud and the earth.  The thunder accompanying lightning is the noise produced by the discharge.

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 i totally agree wth brillant girl

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can u tell in simple words

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The air cools as it rises. Water vapor condenses and forms cumulus clouds. When condensation occurs, heat  is released and helps the thunderstorm grow. At some point, condensation high in the cloud (now in the form of water droplets and ice) falls to the ground as rain.
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The air cools as it rises. Water vapor condenses and forms cumulus clouds. When condensation occurs, heat (latent heat/energy ) is released and helps the thunderstorm grow. At some point, condensation high in the cloud (now in the form of water droplets and ice) falls to the ground as rain.
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The air cools as it rises. Water vapor condenses and forms cumulus clouds. When condensation occurs, heat (latent heat/energy ) is released and helps thethunderstorm grow. At some point, condensation high in the cloud (now in the form of water droplets and ice) falls to the ground as rain.
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During thunderstorm, the currents of air move upwards while water droplets present in clouds move downwards these movements cause production of charges positive charges exist in the upper regions of the clouds and negative charges in the lower regions of the clouds. Discharges keep building up but do not flow because air is a poor conductor of electricity.
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When cloudes are joint together and cloud are form by material and some are made form +sing and dome are made fome _ sing that by thunderstorm occur
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I don't know.
I am so sorry.
I really wanna help you but I can't also....will you date me (69)
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A thunderstorm, also known as an electrical storm, lightning storm, or thundershower, is a storm characterized by the presence of lightning and its acoustic effect on the Earth's atmosphere, known as thunder. Thunderstorms occur in a type of cloud known as a cumulonimbus. They are usually accompanied by strong winds, heavy rain, and sometimes snow, sleet, hail, or, in contrast, no precipitation at all. Thunderstorms may line up in a series or become a rainband, known as a squall line. Strong or severe thunderstorms include some of the most dangerous weather phenomena, including large hail, strong winds, and tornadoes.

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Thunderstorms arise when layers of warm, moist air rise in a large, swift updraft to cooler regions of the atmosphere. There the moisture contained in the updraft condenses to form towering cumulonimbus clouds and, eventually, precipitation.
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Thunder?is caused by the rapid expansion of the air surrounding the path of a?lightning?bolt. ... From the clouds to a nearby tree or roof, a?lightning?bolt takes only a few thousandths of a second to split through the air. The loud?thunder?that follows the?lightning?bolt is commonly said to come from the bolt itself
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