how does a turgor pressure gradient is formed between the supply site and consumption site?

Turgor pressure pushes the plasma membrane against the cell wall of plant, bacteria, and fungi cells as well as those protist cells which have cell walls. This pressure, turgidity, is caused by the osmotic flow of water from area of low solute concentration outside of the cell into the cell's vacuole, which has a higher solute concentration. Healthy plant cells are turgid and plants rely on turgidity to maintain rigidity. In contrast, this phenomenon is not observed in animal cells which have no cell walls to prevent them from being burstby the flow of water into the cell and must either continually pump out water or live in an isotonic solution where there is no osmotic pressure.

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From the supply site,sucrose is transported to phloem(seive tube) due to which concentration of sucrose increases in the seive tube.So water from the adjacent xylem moves in the phloem seive tube by osmosis which results high turgor pressure near the supply site and low turgor pressure near the consuming site.

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