How does nails grow after cutting it again and again??

Dear Student 

Nails have Matrix which is responsible for growth of  nails after cutting it again and again. Each nails begins growing out of a little pocket under your skin. This is the root of the nail, and it's called Matrix. The matrix constantly makes new cells. These new cells force the old ones to get packed together and pushed up through the skin. By the time the nail pokes out of the skin, those cells are dead. That's why it doesn't hurt to cut your nails

Hope this will clear doubts about the topic.

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nails are actually the dead cells of our body. And every cell in our body has a finite life which is why...they die after some time period (eg. 20-30 days..or more depending upon their type)  therefore these dead cells must be thrown out of the body at regular basis...which is why nails as a child...the things on your fingertips that you loved to bite are technically your body's waste/excreta/goo (smh)
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