How does this pattern grows .............................................


Dear Student,

In every next pattern, there is 1 extra row of circles, with 1 more number of a circle than the previous one.
Pattern 1: 3 circles, with 2 circles at the bottom      ( 3 = 1+2 )
Pattern 2: 6 circles, with 3 circles at the bottom      ( 6 = 3 + 3)
Pattern 3: 10 circles, with 4 circles at the bottom    ( 10 = 6+ 4)
Pattern 4: 15 circles, with 5 circles at the bottom    ( 15 = 10 + 5)
Pattern 5: 21 circles, with 6 circles at the bottom    ( 21 = 15 + 6 )
Pattern 6: 28 circles, with 7 circles at the bottom    ( 28 = 21 + 7)
so on


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