How industrial revolution marked a change in indian economy setting

Dear Student,

Following are the changes industrial revolution marked on Indian economy setting:

Foreign goods started flourishing the Indian market.
The demand for foreign goods increased as the Indian goods like clothes were costly.
The production of Indian goods slowed down as they were being produced in a small no. and took a lot of time to be produced.
The quality of English goods were better than the Indian goods.
People in the Indian market started facing loses and even lost jobs.


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Industrial revolution marked a change in economy by the following ways:-
-- urbanisation
-- more no. of people moved to urban centers in search of employment.
-- new machines, new power sources and new ways of organising work made existing industries more productive.
-- It also results in increase in population.
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Industry provide job opportunity to the underprivileged sector. Wages is giving large machine replaced the small handicraft. There is more production of products that small cottage
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