how many atoms present in 1ml of NH3 at STP?

1 mole of NH3 = 6.022*1023 molecules of NH3 

1 molecule of NH3 = 1+3 atoms= 4 atoms

Hence, 1 mole of  NH3 = 4 * 6.022*10^23 = 24.088*10^23 atoms

  • -3

So 1 ml has 1/22400 moles at STP.1 mole = 6.022 x 1023 molecules.
So number of molecules of ammonia in 1 ml = 6.022 x 1023/22400.
= 0.027 x 1021
Now, multiply this number by 4 to get the total number of atoms as each molecule of ammonia has 4 atoms ( 1 N and 3 H).
= 4 x 0.027 x 1021
= 0.1075 x 10 21
= 1.075 x 10 20
Therefore, 1ml oh NH3 contains 1.075 x 1020atoms at STP. 

  • 13
No. of gram atom in 3.2g mole ofCa
  • -4
I just tried the question..hope this method will work..!

  • -3
I just tried the method ..hope this method will work

  • -6
60423 is the answer
  • -3
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