How many chromosome shall be present ina diploid cell at mitotic anaphase if its egg cell has 10 chromosome

10 chormosome separtion of chormosome only take place at anaphase
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Egg cell is haploid. If egg cell has 10 chromosomes, this means n = 10. Hence, chromosomes in diploid cell will be 2n i.e. 2x10 = 20. At mitotic anaphase, the cell will be having double the number of chromosomes of the diploid cell, half of which will be at one pole and other half will be at opposite pole because later, this cell will divide into two daughter cells having same number of chromosomes as the parent cell i.e. 10. Therefore, at mitotic anaphase, chromosomes in the diploid cell = 2x20 = 40 So, the correct answer is '40'.
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