How many circular sheets of diameter 20cm can be cut out from a rectangular metal sheet of size measuring 160 cm and 60 CM if the circles are placed as shown in the figure (take Pi 3.14)

How many circular sheets of diameter 20cm can be cut out from a rectangular metal sheet of size measuring 160 cm and 60 CM if the circles are placed as shown in the figure (take Pi 3.14) 1. ow many circular sheets of diameter 20 cm can be cut out from a rectangular metal sheet of sides measuring 160 cm and 60 cm if the circles are placed as shown in the figure. (Take 3.14)

dear student, 

Area of the rectangular sheet = length * breadth 
length = 160 cm 
breadth = 60 cm 
Area of the rectangular sheet = 160* 60 = 9600 cm2 

Rea of the circular sheet = πr2
Diameter = 20 cm 
radius = 10 cm 

Area = 3.14×10×10 = 314 cm2

Number of circular sheet obtained from rectangular sheet = 9600314=30.57
So, 30 circular sheeta can be obtained.


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