​​​​how many electrons in a fully filled f subshell have m = 0 
Answer is 2. Could you explain answer with details

3 of the 4 quantum no.s are given according to the queston. 
According to pauli's exclusion principle , no 2 electrons can have same 4 quantum no.s 
on the other hand, 2 electrons can have same 3 quantum no.s (leaving spin quantum no.) if they belong to the same orbital.
now, 2 electrons can be accommodated at max. in an orbital. Therefore, the answer is 2.

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2 electrons.
  • -3
  • -1
Since the electrons are asked in an orbital of f subs-hell whose value is 0 and acc. to Pauli Exclusion Principle each orbital can have maximum 2 electron and since f orbital is given fully filled so obviously it's first sub-shell will have only 2 electrons.
Hope it will help u!
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by pauli,s exclusion principle if the 2 electrons can have 3 quantum number in same orbital then 2 electron can be accommodated at maximum in an orbital.hope this is useful
  • -1
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