How many four letter words can be formed using the letters of the word 'FAILURE', so that (1) F is included in each word ? (2) F is not included in any word ?

The word is FAILURE.

(1) The alphabet F should be in every four letter word.

Out of the alphabets A, I, L, U, R and E, we need to choose three alphabets.

This can be done in 6C3= 20 ways.

Now, the four alphabets can be arranged in 4! ways = 24.

Required number of ways = 20 x 24 = 480.

(2) The alphabet F is not included.

Total number of four letter words that can be formed =4! x 7C3 = 840 ways

Total words in which F is not there = 840 - Total words in which F is there = 840 - 480 = 360

  • 11

for the first one

it is 7*6*5*4

for the second one it is


  • -6
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