How many parts are there in a decimal number

Dear student,

Decimal numbers can be expressed by a decimal fraction. It has two parts: a whole and a decimal.
For example, in a decimal number 3.25, 3 is a whole number and 25 is the decimal part.

A decimal number is a number that has a decimal point between the whole number and the fractional part. The point or dot which is used to segregate these two parts acts as a separator and is known as a decimal point. The numbers after the decimal point are smaller than 1.

For example, in the decimal numbers 12.328 and 3.656, 12 and 3 are whole numbers, whereas the numbers 328 and 656 following the decimal point are fractional parts of the number. The fractional part of the decimal number is smaller than 1. In the above examples, the fractional parts of the numbers are 0.328 and 0.656.



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