How many times must a man toss a fair coin so that the probability of having at least one head is more than 80%?

Let p denote the probability that the man will get the head.

Suppose the man tosses the coin n times. Let X denotes the number of times he get head in n-trials.


Now, is true only when the value of n is equal to or greater than 3

Hence, the man must toss at least 3 times

  • 51

when a man toss a coin the prob. of getting head = 1/2

& he toss n tym .

total prob. = 1


1 - (1/2)n > 80/100

  • -3

prob of getting head= 1/2

he toss n tyms.

total prob. = 1

1 - (1/2)n > 80/100

  • -9

Thank you Aghaat...Got it!!!

  • 2
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