How many verb in english language

Dear Student, 

​​​​​​There are mainly two types of verbs:
  1. Action Verbs: They inform what the subject is doing. Action verbs are categorised into
    • Transitive Verbs : He is painting the walls. Here, 'painting' is a transitive verb because the action of the subject is transmitted to the object. 'He' is the subject. 'walls' is the object.
    • Intransitive Verbs: He is painting. Here, 'painting' is an intransitive verb. It does not have an object. The action performed by the subject is not transmitted to an object.
  2. Linking Verbs: They simply give some additional information about the subject. 
    • Eg:  She is happy. Here, 'is' acts as a linking verb.​​​​​​
Verbs can also be categorised into 
  1. Dynamic : These verbs denote an actual action. Eg: playing, eating
  2. Stative: Stative verbs describe the state of mind of the subject. Eg: loves, disagrees  

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