How many words,with or without meaning,each of 3 vowels and 2 consonants,can be formed from the letters of word 'INVOLUTE'?

There are 4 vowels and 4 consonants.

total combinations of 3 vowels and 2 consonants are 4C3 X 4C2 =4X6=24.

One such combination of 3 vowels and 2 consonants can be arranged in 5!, ie., 120 ways

therefore total words =120 X 24 = 2880

  • 23

its 48 not 24therefore final answer is 5760

  • -9

oh sorry his answer is right

  • 9
I solved hope you find it easy

  • 8
I dont who u are but i will find u and i will .... u
  • -5
Total combination of 3 vowels and 2 consonants are 4c3×4c2=24. According to question each word is of 5 letters therefore 5!=120. Therefore 24×120=2880
  • 0
The above answer is in the terms of combination but in terms of permutation its answer is . Please see the attachment.

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