How the concept of community life began and came into being ?

Dear Student,

During the Palaeolithic period, humans have subsisted by hunting and food gathering. They were constantly wandering for procuring food to meet their daily needs. It was only during the Neolithic period when the humans have acquired the knowledge of agriculture and this has resulted in transformation to a sedentary and settled life. People who have settled in different regions have come together as a group and formed into different communities based on their tribal identities. Later on, with the increase of population and emergence of various social classes, the growth of communities also have increased on a wide scale based on their mode of occupation. For instance, development of tools and weapons resulted in the emergence of artisans and warrior classes. All these social groups may together constitute a community or form into various different communities based on their occupation. Thus, a community has emerged and came into being from a group of people either living in a same place or having a similar occupation.


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