how to convert indirect speech to direct speech?

  1. Direct Speech

    In direct speech, we convey the message of the speaker in his own actual words without any change to another person.

  2. Indirect Speech

    In indirect speech, we convey the message of the speaker in our own words to another person.

  3. Procedure of changing direct speech into indirect speech
    1. Remove comma and inverted commas.
    2. Put "that" between the reporting and reported speeches.(it is optional to put "that" between the reporting and reported speech)
    3. Change the 1st letter of reported speech into small letter except for "I"
    4. Change the pronoun of the direct speech according to the rules described in table 2
    5. Change the tense of the direct speech appropriately according to rules described in table 3.
    6. Change the words expressing nearness in time or places of the direct speech into its appropriate words expressing distance as per table 1
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1. By changing the verb in the speech part to its correct form.
2. By applying that before the speech part.
3. By take outing the quotation marks.
4. According to  the kind of sentence in the speech. 
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