How to determine atomicity using Avogadro law?

Dear Student,

Atomicity is the number of atoms present in one molecule of an element.
For determining the atomicity of nitrogen and hydrogen
Experimentally, one volume of nitrogen combines with three volume of hydrogen giving two volumes of ammonia, all volumes measured under similar conditions. 
Nitrogen  + Hydrogen   Ammonia  1 vol.             3 vol.               2 vol.

Applyng Avogadro's law since equal volumes of all gases under similar conditions have the same number of molecules. 
Three volume of Hydrogen will have thrice the number of molecules as that present in one volume of nitrogen. 
Similarly,two volume of ammonia will have twice the number of molecules as that present in one volume of nitrogen. 

  Nitrogen    +    Hydrogen      Ammonia   1 vol.                   3 vol.                  2 vol.1 molecule         3 molecules      2 molecules12molecule        32molecules      1 molecule


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