How to find valency of carbon ?? Pls tell experts

Dear student,

Valency is defined as the number of electrons gained or lost by an atom. The electrons present in the last shell determine the valency of a particular element. If,
Number of valence electrons ≤ 4
Then the valency = number of valence electrons
Number of valence electrons >4
​​​​​Then the valency = 8 - number of valence electrons

The electronic configuration of carbon is 2,4. 
This indicates that carbon has four valence electrons. 

Carbon has a valency of 4.It could gain four electrons to form the C 4− anion or lose four electrons to form the C 4 cation. Both these conditions would take carbon far away from achieving stability by the octet rule. To overcome this problem carbon undergoes bonding by sharing its valence electrons.  


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