how to make parallogam with protector?also show its angle and also show its measure of its opposite side ? to measure the opposite side angle we have put the protecctor in downward direction?means

Answer :

TO draw a parallelogram using protector , we have some information about

Adjacent sides of parallelogram  is 6 cm and 4 cm  and one of the base angle is 60° .

So we construct parallelogram As :

Step 1 )  Draw a line AB  =  6 cm

Step 2 ) Construct angle 60° at point A  , with the help of protector draw angle ray AX

Step 3 )  We know Adjacent angle in parallelogram are supplementary , so  A  + B  =  180°

60° + B  =  180°

B  =  120°

So we form 120° at B ,with the help of protector   and draw angle ray as BY  ,

Step 4 )  we know opposite sides are equal in length , So we take radius of 4 cm and center A form an arc that meet our angle line AX at D  . And we take radius of 4 cm and center B form an arc that meet our angle line BY at C  .

Step 5 )  Join CD , we form a parallelogram  , As  :

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