How to remember the phylum.of animals? There is an trick or sentence

no .. tricks
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no biology is all about learning!
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No..write ..repeat and learn is the only trick.
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Im not a Bio student actually but, ik a small trick. Eg. Animals kingdoms Are Porifera coelentreta. And all. Take their Initial letter(s) And form A Funny sentence. For instance. Percoen pens aaare mindblowingly colorfull. This gets u to. Porifera Colentrata platy and nema. Anelida and arthropoda Molusca and chordata. jst instance.try to make it as weird as possible. And u can try it for many other things.
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Remembered by their name and example.Porifera-pori means pores.So having pores known as porifera and all.Make their simple chart.Like habitat,symmetry etc.Study all comeratively.Kkkkk.
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Remember the phylum by there examples n meaning. So that it is easy to byheart..
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