How to rememeber the no. of neutrons of 1 to 20 elements

Dear Student,

There is no trick to remember the number of neutron present in the elements. Here I am providing you the table of composition of element for your reference.

  • 0
Hydrogen Helium Lithium beryllium Boron carbon Nitrogen Oxygen fluorine neon magnesium Calcium
  • -3
subtract the atomic no. from its mass no.
the answer which comes is your no. of neutrons
  • 1
  1. H-1
  2. Helium-2
  3. Li-3
  4. Be-4
  5. B-5
  6. C-6
  7. N-7
  8. O-8
  9. F-9
  10. Ne-10
  11. Na-11
  12. Mg-12
  13. Al-13
  14. Si-14
  15. P-15
  16. S-16
  17. Cl-17
  18. Ar-18
  19. K-19
  20. Ca-20
  • -2
Can u plzz givesome examples.
  • -1
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