How was it stealing for Hari? ANSWER ON BASIS OF THE THIEF'S STORY

Dear Student, 

I cannot comprehend your exact question. I am assuming you are asking What was Hari robbed off after stealing money from Anil. Accordingly, here is your answer :
Anil was a kind and simple man. Hari duped Anil to hire him as a cook. Despite realizing that Hari cannot cook, he taught him to cook. He also taught him to read and write. But instead of realising the changes that Anil was making in his life, Hari went ahead with his original plan of robbing money from Anil. However, after robbing him, Hari realised that he had not only robbed Anil but also robbed himself of education and knowledge. He realized that a bright future was more important than any immediate monetary gain. 


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