I can't understand this

I can't understand this on the 0' moon the astronauts Man on the Moon July. (Indian Trme 21 Armstrong and Aldnn became the first rnen to step on the moon. Thev were carried to the moon by Apollo I spacevraft. The Moon's Gravitational Pull The moon's gravity is ppe-sixth of gravhtv of the earth. the object that would trx:» heavy for yot•j-to lift on the Earth. would be too easy for you to lift on ttw n»on. If your weight is 30 kg on earth. it — ke weight on the moom aSk mcm. Tre other. it is strcng The Moon a Nearly is covered as

Dear Student

Let us say,
gravity on Earth = g
gravity on Moon will be g/6.

Let's say an object weigh 30 Kg. When you go on Moon, it will weigh 30/6 = 5Kg. This means you can lift that object easily on moon.

*I hope this was the concept you wanted to know.


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