I want a brief and EASY explanation of nitrogen cycle and carbon cycle

Nitrogen Cycle: 

Nitrogen is an important constituent of tissues, enzymes, proteins, nucleic acids and aminoacids. Atmosphere contains about 78% of nitrogen and it cannot be used by plants and animals as molecular nitrogen. It is an essential nutrient for all life forms and the perfect nitrogen cycle in biosphere involves the important steps named, Nitrogen fixation, Ammonification, Nitrification and Denitrification.

  • Nitrogen fixation: The atomospheric nitrogen converts into nitrites by microbes like Rhizobium, blue green algae and azatobactor.
  • Ammonication:Decomposition of dead organic matter into ammonia by fungi and decay bacteria.
  • Nitrification: Ammonia becomes nitrites and then to nitrates by nitrosomonas and nitrobactor.
  • Denitrification: Nitrites in the soil release atmospheric nitrogen by pseudomonas.


Thus, nitrogen cycle in nature passes nitrogen from its elemental form in the atmosphere into simple molecules into soil and water, which get converted into more complex molecules in living beings and back again into simple nitrogen molecule in the atmosphere. That’s why Nitrogen cycle is called as perfect cycle.


Carbon Cycle:

Carbon di oxide and oxygen are being continuously consumed and generated by the organisms. Green plants use CO2 during photosynthesis and produce O2 and carbohydrates. During respiration of organisms oxygen and carbohydrates are consumed and carbon di oxide and water are formed.

Thus a balance of carbon di oxide and oxygen is maintained in the biosphere. recently man started using fossil fuels indiscriminately which results with the increase in carbon di oxide.

Importance of carbon cycle:

Carbon is basic constituent of all living organisms. It exists as carbohydrates, fats, protein and nucleic acids.



Oxygen Cycle:

Oxygen in gaseous form is present in atmosphere (21%). In water bodies, It is present in dissolved form. From these sources plants, animals and decomposers take molecular oxygen for respiration. Burning fuels such as coal, wood, petroleum also use atmospheric oxygen. Green plants utilize carbon di oxide and water during photosynthesis and release molecular oxygen in air and water.

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