Identify the changes in the following solutions by using china rose, turmeric, purple cabbage and litmus papers; a) Hydrochloric acid b) Magnesium hydroxide c) Orange juice d) Lime water

Dear student

a)When china rose flower's petals are kept in hot water they give out colour after the some time. This coloured solution can be utilised as china rose indicator. 

When china rose solution is added to an acidic solution it turns to dark pink or magenta.
Hydrochloric acid, Orange juice  is acidic nature so when solution of china rose indicator is added to it, it gives magneta colour.
When added to solution of magnesium hydroxide and lime water, both being bases, the colour changes to green.

b)When turmeric is added to acidic solutions Hydrochloric acid and Orange juice the colour of solution changes to bright yellow.
When turmeric is added to bases like Magnesium hydroxide and lime water, the colour becomes red.

c)Purple cabbage as an indicator when added to acidic solutions of Hydrochloric acid and Orange juice changes the colour of the solutions to red. When this indicator is added to basic solutions of Magnesium hydroxide and lime water, the colour becomes green.

d)When blue litmus paper is added to acidic solutions of HCl and Orange juice, it becomes red.
When  blue litmus is added to basic solutions of Magnesium hydroxide and Lime water , it remains blue only.[However, if red litmus is used in basic solutions, it becomes blue]


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