​​Identify the Subject-Verb Agreement errors in the following paragraph and write the answers in the below given format in your answer scripts. Write NIL if there is no error.
Inability to fall asleep or ‘Insomnia’ are often associated with depression, hostility, anger and high risk of diabetes and heart diseases. Even the ticking of a clock hamper sleep. The best way to get rid of these distractions is to tune in some relaxing soundtracks. Disruption of daily routine affects the biological sleep cycle. Keeping a record of major events in your day help you track what disrupted your routine and you can avoid those in the future. People fall asleep faster at room temperature. The temperature in the room must be controlled. Trying natural sleep remedies help you fall asleep faster and stay asleep for longer period. They also promotes muscle relaxation. Finally, indulge in a warm drink before attempting to sleep. It relaxes your body and mind. Milk, chamomile and peppermint are common choices, but stay away from caffeinated drinks.

Inability to fall asleep or ‘Insomnia’ are is often associated with depression, hostility, anger and high risk of diabetes and heart diseases. Even the ticking of a clock hampers sleep. The best way to get rid of these distractions is to tune in some relaxing soundtracks (NIL). Disruption of daily routine affects the biological sleep cycle (NIL). Keeping a record of major events in your day helps you track what disrupted your routine and you can avoid those in the future. People fall asleep faster at room temperature (NIL). The temperature in the room must be controlled (NIL). Trying natural sleep remedies helps you fall asleep faster and stay asleep for longer period. They also promotes muscle relaxation. Finally, indulge in a warm drink before attempting to sleep (NIL). It relaxes your body and mind (NIL). Milk, chamomile and peppermint are common choices, but stay away from caffeinated drinks (NIL).

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