If + means −, x means ‘÷’, ÷ means ‘+’, and – means ‘x’, then which of the following will be the value of expression 252 x 9 – 5 + 32 – 92 = ? (A)95 (B) 168 (C) 192 (D) 200... plz experts answer fast

Dear student,

To Find the value of 252 × 9  5 + 32  92 where, + means -,× means ÷, ÷ means +, and - means ×then,  252× 9  5 + 32  92 Now, solving by applying the rule of BODMAS = 252 ÷ 9 × 5 - 32 × 92 =28× 5 - 32 × 92=140-2944=-2804
The options above are not correct. Recheck the question once


  • 2
  • -2
Answer is -2804 which is not given in any of the options.
  • 0
None of the above
  • 2
answer is -2304 
  • -1
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