if the number 91876y2 is completely divisible by 8 then the smallest whole number in place of y will be

9 will be the value of y 
bcause 8*9=72
  • 2
I think y will be 3...
  • 2

Divisibility of 8 : if the last 3 digits are divisible by 8, then number is divisible by 8. 

6y2 is completely divisible by 8. 
By trial and error method:

If y=1,
612 / 8 = 76.5 (not divisible) 

If y=2,
622 / 8 = 77.7 (not divisible) 

If y=3,
632 / 8 = 79 (divisible) 

Therefore smallest possible value of y=3 

  • 3
Q . If the number 91876y2 is completely divisible by 8, then the smallest whole number in place of y will be:
  • 0
Q . If the number 91876y2 is completely divisible by 8, then the smallest whole number in place of y will be:
  • 0
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