if the whole earth is to be connected by LOS communication using space waves what is the minimum number of antennas required   calculate the tower height of these antennas in terms of earths radius. ​

d^2 = 2(R + hr)^2
8Rh = 2(R + hr)2
(since d = 2(Rh)^1/2 )
4Rh = R^2 + hr^2 + 2Rh
(R - hr)2 = 0
R = hr
Since, space wave frequency is used, A
< < hr. So, only tower height is taken
into consideration.
Therefore, in three dimensions, 6 antenna
towers of hr = R would be required.
R = hr
Since, space wave f< <  hr. So, only to into  consideration.
Therefore, in three dimensions, 6 antenna
towers of hr = R would be required.

  • -5
iit level, wont come in cbse
  • 0
satellites for coverage of entire earth is 3...
  • -2
it is an ncert exemplar question
ans. is 6 towers of Ht=R
where Ht is the hieght of the tower and R is the radius of the earth
  • 1
Depends on height of tower
  • 1
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