II. Read the following sentences. Identify the number of clauses used in each of the sentence and
underline each clause separately.
1. My sister almost fainted because she's the biggest fan of the Dance Boys.
2. "I love the Dance Boys," she said excitedly.
3. Jan, my sister, and I all hopped on the bus to the mall to see the Dance Boys.
4. I'm not really a fan of the Dance Boys, but I like to go to the mall, so I went.
5. When we got there, the mall was packed with Dance Boy fans.
6. Everyone wore Dance Boy shirts except me because I hate the Dance Boys.
7. While the Dance Boys sang, Jan danced, but I played games on my cell phone.
8. I challenged one of the Dance Boys to a dance battle but he was scared.
9. Since we went to the mall, I've been working on my moves, but I'm still bad.
10. If Jan, my sister, and I go to the mall again, I'll surely walk around and shop.
# of Clauses: _____
# of Clauses: _____
# of Clauses: _____
# of Clauses: _____
# of Clauses: _____
# of Clauses: _____
# of Clauses: _____
# of Clauses: _____
# of Clauses: _____
# of Clauses: _____

Dear student,

1) a) My sister almost fainted.
    b) She is the biggest fan of the Dance Boys

2) I love the Dance Boys.

3)  Jan, my sister, and I all hopped on the bus.

4) a)  I'm not really a fan of the Dance Boys
    b) I like to go to the mall.

For other queries request you to ask in separate threads.



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