Imagine an animal in the tropical rainforests as huge as an elephant but without a trunk. Give reasons whether it can survive in the tropical rainforests or not.  If not , suggest some adaptations to compensate for the absence of the trunk.

No, the animal cannot survive in the tropical rain forests. This is due to the reason that tropical rainforests contain thick cover of trees that has limted the growth of lower or ground vegetation and elephant uses its trunk to gather food from these trees at height. The trunk helps elephant to strip off branches of trees and transfer them to mouth. Thus, the animal lacking trunk would not be able to gather food in tropical rain forests.

The adaptation to compensate the lack of trunk can be:

1. Development of long neck to reach to the branches of trees for eating leaves.
2. Adapted to eat mainly fruits that fall from the trees.
3. Develop ability to knock over trees.


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